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Keeping Your Information Up To Date

Keep Your Payroll Information Up to Date

As an employer you are responsible to make sure that the information on the payroll is kept up to date.

It is important that you let us know of any address changes for your employees and advise us when they leave your employment.

Whilst we understand that cover carers may not work on a regular basis, HMRC advise that employees that are not currently working for an employer should be removed from the payroll.

As part of our end of year reviews on our client’s payroll, we will automatically remove (P45) employees that have not worked in the tax year from April 2022 to end of March 2023.

Employees that have not worked in the last 6 months, will also be removed unless employers confirm, in writing, with the March Payroll, that employee is still current and will be working in the next three months.